Arbalest with rabies darkest dungeon
Arbalest with rabies darkest dungeon

arbalest with rabies darkest dungeon

The cult of Vesta had a female priesthood known as the the "Vestal Virgins", so any fantasy depiction of a female religious person called a "Vestal", obviously had them in mind. Second, the modern adoption of Vestal for virgins is because the ancient Vestals were virgins. First, Roma are not the same thing as Romans.

arbalest with rabies darkest dungeon

I don't think the vestal in this game has anything to do with ancient Roma. Thought nowadays the word has another definition, and stands for a girl who's devoted to keep his virginity, or something along those lines. Originally posted by h0b0king:The Vestals were a special type of priestess devoted to the Roman goddess Vesta - goddess of the hearth, very important to the Romans, they were virgins who tended the scared fire of Vesta in her temple and were considered rather holy and important to Rome's continued existence.

Arbalest with rabies darkest dungeon